Sunday, January 30, 2011
Wieso habe ich eigentlich immer Glück, wenn nicht um Geld gespielt wird. Am Wochenende habe ich zwei mal mit fünf Punkten beenden können. Stattdessen wird nur mein T-Shirt bemalt. Ich weiß auch nicht wieso ich ein komplett schwarzes T-Shirt besitze haha. Ich habe es einfach im Schrank gefunden.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Das Wörtervergess-Syndrom
Wer im Laufe seines Lebens verschiedene Sprachen gelernt hat und sie auch ausserhalb des Schulbetriebs einsetzen muss, der weiß wohl wovon ich rede. Ein deutsches Wort zu vergessen und ein englisches zu wissen passiert mir tagtäglich. Manche englische Wörter werden im Laufe der Zeit einfach einprägsamer als das deutsche Gegenstück dazu. Wenn man nun noch auf englisch denkt an einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt, dann passiert dies noch häufiger. Jetzt mit dem Erlernen einer neuen Sprache wird dies noch seltsamer. Mir ist es nun mehrere Male passiert, dass mir ein deutsches und englisches Wort entfallen war, aber ich das chinesische kannte. Dummerweise passiert es mir nur wenn auch kein anderer dabei ist, der chinesisch spricht. Das erste mal war es "不客气", was soviel heißt wie "bitte schön", also das englische "you're welcome". Da hat es aber nicht lange gedauert und mir fiel dann schon die englische und deutsche Entsprechung ein. Das zweite mal war es das Wort "肉末" (Hackfleisch/mincemeat). Das Hack mincemeat heißt, weiß ich auch erst seit gerade und das deutsche Wort wollte mir einfach nicht einfallen. Ich habe mit irgendjemandem über Essen diskuttiert und mir fiel das Wort einfach nicht ein. Ich denke es war vorgestern, auf jedenfall noch nicht lange her, dass ich wissen wollte wie ein Rehkind, also wie ein junges Reh genannt wird, also gab ich einfach in meinen Übersetzter "小鹿" ein um zu sehen was er als deutsches Wort ausgibt und nun weiß ich das sie Kitz heißen, beziehungsweise auch Kalb wie bei Rindern.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Future Tallest Buildings
So here a list of the tallest planned, buildings under construction or already built skyscrapers. Just writing for random reasons. I searched Skyscraperpage and Skyscrapercity for information, but still skipped some unlikely buildings and also only featured buildings with a hight of 530m and higher.
Kingdom Tower (Jeddah) - 1000m+ - Planned
There were previous news on the building starting construction 3 weeks later, but it didn't. There are reasonable rumors, that there was a ground testing that gave caused more problems. Currently the project seems to stand still. But in summer Cityscape Jeddah might give it a chance for a real start.
Burj Khalifa (Dubai) - 828m - Build 2010
The currently tallest structure on earth has no thread by any skyscraper or even tower at the moment. It might change when KT starts, but for now it stays the tallest one.
India Tower (Mumbai) - 720m - Under Construction
The tallest building that is currently under construction. The working is still on ground level and the problem about India and skyscrapers is that it is hard to get news and updates.
Shizimen CBD Tower (Zhuhai) - 680m - Planned
Not much information
Sky City (4 cities in China) - 666m - Planned
With new technology it is planned to build 4 of these monsters in rapid speed in four major cities. Wether it is just vision or actually feasable soon is written in the stars.
Baietan Tower (Guangzhou) - 650m - Planned
Standing between Guangzhou and Foshan, a new business district where this tower is located will probably link both cities making them one even bigger one.
Pingan International Finance Centre (Shenzhen) - 648m - Under Construction
The Construction was slow when it started, but soon the project might catch up more speed.
Light Tower (Seoul) - 640m - Planned
More than unlikely, because South Korea yet disappointed a lot before with projects of similar height that never came true.
Shanghai Tower (Shanghai) - 632m - Under Construction
Probably the most exiting building at the moment, because it is fast rising at the moment and when it is finished it will take the second place for the tallest skyscraper for a while.
Tianlong Fortune Center (Nanning) - 628m - Planned
Abraj Al-Bait (Mecca) - 601m - Nearly Finished
The most massive hotel building in a city that features no other nameable skyscrapers due to the special situation the city is in with its millions of tourists.
151 Incheon Towers (Incheon) - 601m - Probably Cancelled or shortened
It was one of my favorite projects, but still South Korea is South Korea and the project will most likely not rise at all.
Shenzhen International Trade Center (Shenzhen) - 600m - Planned
I read today that it might need to get changed and shortened, but still there are no official statements. Just a matter of time to find out though.
Goldin Finance 117 (Tianjin) - 597m - Under Construction
The Construction is slow, but it will catch up speed soon i guess
Lotte World Tower (Seoul) - 555m - Unlikely
Doha Convention Center (Doha) - 551m - Hard to find any news
Freedom Tower (New York City) - 541m - Under Construction
It is growing fast and brings the World Trade Center back to New York.
Chow Tai Fook Centre (Guangzhou) - 530m - Under Construction
It is on ground working and slow, but may turn up the speed after CNY. Guangzhou has a huge building boom and just finished the tallest tower in the world (soon to be topped by Tokyo though)
Chow Tai Fook Binhai Center (Tianjin) - 530m - Planned
Preparation already started. When it gets build it stands about 60km away from Goldin Finance.
Kingdom Tower (Jeddah) - 1000m+ - Planned
There were previous news on the building starting construction 3 weeks later, but it didn't. There are reasonable rumors, that there was a ground testing that gave caused more problems. Currently the project seems to stand still. But in summer Cityscape Jeddah might give it a chance for a real start.
Burj Khalifa (Dubai) - 828m - Build 2010
The currently tallest structure on earth has no thread by any skyscraper or even tower at the moment. It might change when KT starts, but for now it stays the tallest one.
India Tower (Mumbai) - 720m - Under Construction
The tallest building that is currently under construction. The working is still on ground level and the problem about India and skyscrapers is that it is hard to get news and updates.
Shizimen CBD Tower (Zhuhai) - 680m - Planned
Not much information
Sky City (4 cities in China) - 666m - Planned
With new technology it is planned to build 4 of these monsters in rapid speed in four major cities. Wether it is just vision or actually feasable soon is written in the stars.
Baietan Tower (Guangzhou) - 650m - Planned
Standing between Guangzhou and Foshan, a new business district where this tower is located will probably link both cities making them one even bigger one.
Pingan International Finance Centre (Shenzhen) - 648m - Under Construction
The Construction was slow when it started, but soon the project might catch up more speed.
Light Tower (Seoul) - 640m - Planned
More than unlikely, because South Korea yet disappointed a lot before with projects of similar height that never came true.
Shanghai Tower (Shanghai) - 632m - Under Construction
Probably the most exiting building at the moment, because it is fast rising at the moment and when it is finished it will take the second place for the tallest skyscraper for a while.
Tianlong Fortune Center (Nanning) - 628m - Planned
Abraj Al-Bait (Mecca) - 601m - Nearly Finished
The most massive hotel building in a city that features no other nameable skyscrapers due to the special situation the city is in with its millions of tourists.
151 Incheon Towers (Incheon) - 601m - Probably Cancelled or shortened
It was one of my favorite projects, but still South Korea is South Korea and the project will most likely not rise at all.
Shenzhen International Trade Center (Shenzhen) - 600m - Planned
I read today that it might need to get changed and shortened, but still there are no official statements. Just a matter of time to find out though.
Goldin Finance 117 (Tianjin) - 597m - Under Construction
The Construction is slow, but it will catch up speed soon i guess
Lotte World Tower (Seoul) - 555m - Unlikely
Doha Convention Center (Doha) - 551m - Hard to find any news
Freedom Tower (New York City) - 541m - Under Construction
It is growing fast and brings the World Trade Center back to New York.
Chow Tai Fook Centre (Guangzhou) - 530m - Under Construction
It is on ground working and slow, but may turn up the speed after CNY. Guangzhou has a huge building boom and just finished the tallest tower in the world (soon to be topped by Tokyo though)
Chow Tai Fook Binhai Center (Tianjin) - 530m - Planned
Preparation already started. When it gets build it stands about 60km away from Goldin Finance.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Mystery of Alcohol and Food
Yesterday i was at Comix in Kempen again. Havn't be there for months although i really love to eat there. It's funny that i often do not manage to eat the whole plate unless i'm drinking. It's everywhere though, when i'm not drinking i cannot eat much at all, but when i have a cocktail i can finish my meal and even steal from my girlfriends plate more fries. When i'm eating Pizza the same phenomenon works too though. Normally i finish my pizza, but i have to fight harder to eat a big one without a little drink. The good thing is that i really like to eat a lot, i love to eat myself full and even better s that i love drinking, so yeah works perfectly.
Friday, January 21, 2011
back but busy
From Monday to thursday i was on a pretty boring school trip and wasn't able to come online and therefor neither write here. Today Gogo is coming over and staying till sunday. Probably i will not be able to write much either. Next week i will start getting all my school stuff in order and start studying on a daily basis. If i have more time to write here then is a different question, but at least i want to keep my chinese writting from time to time on my blog going.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
correction by gogo:
correction by gogo:
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
correction by cheese tree:
correction by cheese tree:
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Hello World
So after the vacation obviously school started again and friday i will get my last school certification before my big final exams. At the end of febuary i have the first row and in may the important real ones. I'm pretty sure it will be annoying to sit in a chair writing for a whole school day for the exams, but shouldn't be a too hard task. For preparation i should get ready next week. I plan to get my stuff in order, so i can make a weekly plan for studying that i hopefully will stick to. But in order to do that i need to have all stuff in place and not a chaotic mess, that i tend to prefer in daily life. After i finished my last exams, hopefully with a good result i will have about 2 months free time. Then i may make a vacation and maybe get to take a trip to the far east. After that i shall start university, but of course before i can do that i need to get more information about universities and have to make the decission then, where to stay.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Goodbye Vacation
And welcome back school. The vacation kinda seemed long though considering the events happening. Getting a new girlfriend, celebrating Chrstmas, celebrating New Year, got 5 postcards, was writting in the book and now Jens also comes back from his vacation. The real ending celebration for the vacation was kinda missing though. BaCa was awesome, but the BBQ should have been taking place. The good thing with its being moved back to next week though is that Jens is back in germany and can join the first BBQ in the year :)
Friday, January 7, 2011
The book
A while ago i started writing a diary together with my girlfriend. it kinda makes it hard to stay updated on the blog and the book without telling many things twice. The last week i had the book and tomorrow i will give it back to my girl. I'm not yet sure if she can read my terrible hand writing and my terrible slang language i use from time to time, but i hope she does. Today i wrote most pages. I think i wrote about three when i count the one i wrote before going to bed last night at 1AM. But normally i only write one page when i write for the day. I think the book is important, especially for her since i am her first relationship. And i think even when it doesnt work well with us one day she still will have the book to remember the great times. And when we finish the book together we may read it one day completally from begin to end.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Credit to fellow Blogs
Here i give some credit to the Blogs of friends and blogs i follow.
A Lucid Exit is the Blog from an Hojer called Mastae, who always was a funny companion, when i still was a daily member on HoJ, his blog still contains good stories and is updated a few times a week, nearly daily. The blog is completally in english and started August 2010
and the sky is filled with light. can you see it? is the blog of another Hojer and her posts are often about Saw, other movies and shows. She has not posted in a while and i am not sure if she will come back to the blog once again. The blog is in english and started August 2008
C is for Claire is the blog from my exgirlfriend. The Blog is mostly about her life and was the first blog i knew before starting my own one. The blog is mostly in english with also some german posts lately. It is updated in irregular ups and downs like my blog and exists since November 2007.
Irrelevant Musical Numbersis Sad Panda's blog and features fantasy lyrics of songs mostly for Saw-related songs. It is a funny and unique blog, but updated only once in a long time. It began September 2010 and is only in english.
n0afr0 was Samuel's Blog, but only features one blog entry. It will most likely not be further expended. The Blog is in german and started August 2010
Poison is my girlfriend's Blog. The blog started December 2010 and therefor is pretty fresh and has not yet a recurring theme i could explain it with. Mostly it is about our relationship. The Blog is mostly in german and partly in english.
Toc-Toc's Blog is obviously my blog aka The page you are just looking at. The theme is mostly about my life and stuff i found on the webs or elsewhere. I started in Febuary 2009 with it being mostly in german, then it changed to mostly in english and now its about 45% each and the rest is for some posts in chinese i make from time to time.
A Lucid Exit is the Blog from an Hojer called Mastae, who always was a funny companion, when i still was a daily member on HoJ, his blog still contains good stories and is updated a few times a week, nearly daily. The blog is completally in english and started August 2010
and the sky is filled with light. can you see it? is the blog of another Hojer and her posts are often about Saw, other movies and shows. She has not posted in a while and i am not sure if she will come back to the blog once again. The blog is in english and started August 2008
C is for Claire is the blog from my exgirlfriend. The Blog is mostly about her life and was the first blog i knew before starting my own one. The blog is mostly in english with also some german posts lately. It is updated in irregular ups and downs like my blog and exists since November 2007.
Irrelevant Musical Numbersis Sad Panda's blog and features fantasy lyrics of songs mostly for Saw-related songs. It is a funny and unique blog, but updated only once in a long time. It began September 2010 and is only in english.
n0afr0 was Samuel's Blog, but only features one blog entry. It will most likely not be further expended. The Blog is in german and started August 2010
Poison is my girlfriend's Blog. The blog started December 2010 and therefor is pretty fresh and has not yet a recurring theme i could explain it with. Mostly it is about our relationship. The Blog is mostly in german and partly in english.
Toc-Toc's Blog is obviously my blog aka The page you are just looking at. The theme is mostly about my life and stuff i found on the webs or elsewhere. I started in Febuary 2009 with it being mostly in german, then it changed to mostly in english and now its about 45% each and the rest is for some posts in chinese i make from time to time.
Shopping with Mum
So today i went with my mum shopping and left about 250 bucks there to get 3 jeans, shirts, boxers, socks, new shoes and stuff and i hope that it is enough for the year unless i make vacation this year in a cheaper country. If i really get to travel to China i surely will travel empty handed and come back with new clothes. I hate shopping, but it still was awesome because in those 2 hours i couldn't wait for my subway sandwich. Havn't eaten one in a long time although it is my favorite fast food.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
For the sake of vacation
For the sake of vacation, this time without school makes me lazy. Waking up after 5PM, being to lazy to study for school nor chinese. Didn't had the moot, but the time to continue my game. No idea what to write in the book and so on. I hope this changes when school starts again. Not that i have even less time with school going on and having a girlfriend again.
Is there an officer, problem?
So well, my first time the police stopped me for a license plate check and alcohol test. It was 0.00 of course, but could have been different, because shortly before i nearly drank something alcoholic, because i got a glass with a drink and luckily checked the bottle before actually drinking it. Also i played Mahjong again and it was kinda fun, we played about 2 hours this time and i would have lost money this time haha. Later that night before i left to get trapped in a policecontrol at half past 4 in Essen we watched 19 episodes of a childrens show with a mouse and cat who drive in a car made of chocolate, drink whine and afterwards crash and lose all there limbs and stuff. Also it featured cigarrets, plus addiction afterwards. Guns pointing at heads and cake that gets blown to the sky and then becomes a cloud and it rains cakeparts. Best quotation of the whole show is "你吃我的车". it means "You eat my car", but is a lot funnier in chinese because the word for eat and the word for car are very similar.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
So well happy New Year

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