One Month;
And hopefully there are dozens more to come. Babe, your problems seem to come back and the past seems to catch you, but this time it'll be different. i can't be with you as in the same place, but i will be there for you and i hope we both can go through every problem that will come. I love you and although you may not feel well at all, think about our anniversary and everything we have gone through together. We live in a problematic world and the distance doesn't make it easier, but when we work together on this, the sun shall be shining again. I will be there for you in this hard time as you were when i was down.
But let us forget about the thing happened for a moment and go back and remember some moments in the time we had:
I first met you on HoJ. You created a tattoo thread and we were discussing about that and then about Kuala Lumpur and at one point i added you on MSN. We became friends, good friends. I remember New Years Eve 2008/2009 when you were in the zoo the day after =). And that was the beginning of a close friendship.
Last year on your birthday i decided to start learning chinese, because you did the same with german and you asked me too =). I kind of lost the rhythm in learning and am still not really better than telling you a few sentences D= but i started studying again, because i just need to be better when you come again xP. I still remember that day though, it was Earth Hour (btw reminder: Earth Hour 2010 is on the 27th March at 20:30) and i was at a friends' house. Haha, some people thought it was stupid that i started learning and others thought it was interesting. I raised my glass on you, because of your birthday and you already felt like one of my best friends. In two months your birthday comes again, but this time i can hold you in my hands and when i think about it i already feel my heart beating. The blog entry i wrote for her is still visible here and it is cool to read it, because now you actually are more than a friend, although i never meant it that way when i wrote it nearly a year ago and i have finally met you. =) That time you helped me through one of the hardest times in my life and i am really glad to had you in that Situation and to have you now.

In December finally you managed to visit me after your trip to the States. And this week was so full of emotions and events i don't know where to start telling. When you were here we did so much and i forgot most things out of the awesomeness of them. One week packed with things normally happening in one year =). To remember what we did i wrote 8 blog entries that tell what happened, but not always what feelings were involved. The moments that are stuck mostly in my head are, when i first met you, when i kissed you the first time, when you were playing with my hair and made the photo i don't like xP, when we were in Amsterdam and the day you left.

Wölkchen, now it is one month and i feel like i know you forever and love you forever. There are more months to follow and in two months we will hopefully see each other again. I love you.
I'm happy that your happy =)